Māra Gaņģe


  1. I am a theatre maker and educator based in Riga, Latvia.


    I have made mostly non verbal theatre performances using puppetry, movement and object exploration. I have collaborated with dancers, actors, non actors and clock repairers. I took a longer break from theatre making when I became a mother. Recently my interests have moved more towards artistic research, where I explore the impulse led relationship with objects.


    My artistic practice exists within theatre, pedagogy, performance and research. I hold a master’s degree in Theatre Arts from the Latvian Academy of Culture and have specialized in puppetry at the Ludwik Solski Theatre Academy in Wroclaw, Poland, the Arts Academy in Turku, Finland, and through various workshops across Europe.


    I am interested in the materiality and life of objects, as well as the boundaries within people. The fractures and entanglements between human inner life and non-human inner worlds draw me to visual theatre and object based art. My interest in object theatre and puppetry began long ago, sparked by their ambivalence and metaphor - a space where humans are not central but are both present and absent, allowing objects to quietly capture our attention and gently reshape how we see the world.


    *photo: Kristaps Dublāns